[課程簡介]:新形勢下,企業(yè)面臨的具體合規(guī)形勢是怎樣呢?我們商務運營的底線在哪里?如何深入認識各種行為的違法后果? 執(zhí)法部門的日常執(zhí)法口徑又是怎樣的呢?面對執(zhí)法部門我們應該如何從容應對呢? 還有面對日常送禮、應酬以及商務交往,我們又應該注意到什么呢?……在我們的課程中,您都可以得到答案! ...
【時間地點】 | 2019年5月31日 深圳福朋喜來登酒店 | |
【培訓講師】 | 全開明 | |
【參加對象】 | 總經(jīng)理、財務總監(jiān)、法務總監(jiān)、政府關系總監(jiān)、商務拓展總監(jiān)、銷售總監(jiān)、市場總監(jiān)以及其他相關負責人…… | |
【參加費用】 | ¥3980元/人 | |
【會務組織】 | 森濤培訓網(wǎng)(dbslw.com.cn).廣州三策企業(yè)管理咨詢有限公司 | |
【咨詢電話】 | 020-34071250;020-34071978(提前報名可享受更多優(yōu)惠) | |
【聯(lián) 系 人】 | 龐先生,鄧小姐;13378458028、18924110388(均可加微信) | |
【在線 QQ 】 | 568499978 | 課綱下載 |
【溫馨提示】 | 本課程可引進到企業(yè)內(nèi)部培訓,歡迎來電預約! |
新形勢下,企業(yè)面臨的具體合規(guī)形勢是怎樣呢?我們商務運營的底線在哪里?如何深入認識各種行為的違法后果? 執(zhí)法部門的日常執(zhí)法口徑又是怎樣的呢?面對執(zhí)法部門我們應該如何從容應對呢? 還有面對日常送禮、應酬以及商務交往,我們又應該注意到什么呢?……在我們的課程中,您都可以得到答案!
課程背景 Course Background:
黨的十八大以來,我國反腐敗斗爭形成壓倒性態(tài)勢并鞏固發(fā)展!缎谭ā芬(guī)定的賄賂類犯罪共涉及 11 個罪名。在 2015-2017年的賄賂類犯罪案件中,涉及行賄罪、受賄罪、對非國家工作人員行賄、非國家工作人員受賄的共有 28,336 起,約占 84%;涉及對非國家工作人員行賄、非國家工作人員受賄的共有2517 起,約占 7%;2015年生效的《刑法修正案(九)》將行賄人在被追訴前主動交代行賄 行為可以減輕或者免除處罰的規(guī)定修改為“可以從輕或者減輕處罰”,以及 2016 年生效的《最高人民法院、最高人民檢察院關于辦理貪污賄賂刑事案件適用法律若干問題的解釋》將行賄罪的起刑點規(guī)定為 3 萬元,與受賄罪保持一致,也表明了執(zhí)法機關打擊行受賄并重的執(zhí)法態(tài)度。
在行政處罰方面,國家也是重拳出擊。2016 年下半年,9家全球知名的輪胎企業(yè)因其銷售獎勵行為被上海的行政執(zhí)法機關處罰,罰款總額近 1.1 億元人民幣。2018 年 1 月 1 日《反不正當競爭法》出臺以后,反商業(yè)賄賂的處罰力度越來越大,高達 300 萬的罰款也將成為企 業(yè)不能承受的痛。
那么在當前情況下,企業(yè)面臨的具體合規(guī)形勢是怎樣呢,如果深入認識上述行為的違法后果, 執(zhí)法部門的日常執(zhí)法口徑又是怎樣的呢,面對執(zhí)法部門我們應該如何從容應對呢? 還有面對日常送禮、應酬以及商務交往,我們又應該注意到什么呢?
課程大綱 Course Outline:
引子 案件分析 Introduction – Case analysis
一張發(fā)票引發(fā)的大案 泰凌醫(yī)藥 (沒收違法所得 11,427,014.69 元; 罰款 180,000 元整)分析
NT Pharma (a major case triggered by an invoice, involving confiscation of illegal income amounting up to CNY 11,427,014.69 and a penal sum amounting to CNY 180,000)
Part One: Compliance in the context of big data
The top-design of national surveillance system has been completed
1. “高壓反腐”已成新常態(tài)
“Intensified combat with corruption” has become a new normal
2. 東南沿海地區(qū)的反賄賂執(zhí)法相對活躍
Anti-corruption is enforced vigorously in the southeastern coastal areas
Analysis of data relating to administrative enforcement
1. 江、浙、滬地區(qū)的行政執(zhí)法最為頻繁
Administrative enforcement is most frequently performed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai
2. 舊《反不正當競爭法》下的行政處罰多為從輕處罰
Most administrative punishments according to the previous edition of the Law against Unfair Competition are generally lenient
3. 違法所得的計算方式不統(tǒng)一,半數(shù)以上案件的違法所得低于 20 萬元
Calculation of illegal income is made in a non-unified manner, and in most cases the amount of illegal income is no more than CNY 200,000
Analysis of data relating to criminal enforcement
1. 東南地區(qū)的刑事執(zhí)法相對活躍
Criminal enforcement is relatively active in the southeast region
2. 打擊腐敗仍是刑事執(zhí)法的重中之重
Combat with corruption remains a focus of criminal enforcement
3. 賄賂類犯罪的執(zhí)法趨勢是打擊行受賄并重
Enforcement against crimes of bribery tends to have equal emphasis on giving and taking bribes
Part Two: General category of commercial bribery
New and old concepts defined in the Law against Unfair Competition
1. 商業(yè)賄賂的本質(zhì)屬性
Essential attributes of commercial bribery
2. 認定商業(yè)賄賂考量因素
Considerations for determination of commercial bribery
Subjects of commercial bribery
Forms of property interests in commercial bribery
Relationship between commercial bribery and similar behaviors
1. 回扣Rebate 2.折扣discount 3.傭金commission 4.附贈annexed gift
Legal liability involved in commercial bribery (in details)
1. 民事責任Civil liability 2.行政責任administrative liability 3.刑事責任criminal liability
Annex: Criteria for sentencing crimes of commercial bribery – Criteria forsentencing crimes of giving bribes
Part Three: Relevant industries and “commercial bribery”
(In this part, cases are analyzed. Adjustment can be made before the lecture considering the types of participating companies)
Part Four: Analysis of key issues in commercial bribery
Does the “penetration” principle apply in all cases
1. 學校受全體學生委托與校服供應商簽訂校服購買合同案例
Case analysis -- Some school sign a purchase contract on behalf of all students in the school with a school uniform supplier for purchasing school uniforms
2. 穿透原則”的適用條件
Conditions for application of the penetration principle
3. 律師點評
Lawyer’s comments
Is it legal to offer any rebate to any transaction counterparty
1. 法律釋義
Legal construction
2. 婦幼保健院耗材案
Case analysis - Maternal and child health hospital’s consumables
3. 向交易相對方支付回扣在新《反不正當競爭法》下的合規(guī)風險
Offering a rebate to any transaction counterparty is threatened to violate the new Law against Unfair Competition
Are common forms of sponsorship from enterprises legal
1. 上海 KN 醫(yī)療器械有限公司商業(yè)賄賂案
Case analysis - Shanghai KN Medical Apparatuses Co., Ltd. involving in commercial bribery
2. 合法贊助的基本特征
Basic characteristics of legal sponsorship
3. 實務中不同贊助形式的合法性
Legality of different forms of sponsorship in practice
對個人的贊助Sponsorship to individuals
對單位的贊助Sponsorship to organizations
對其他第三方的贊助Sponsorship to other third parties
How to identify an influential person
1. 某建筑工程有限責任公司商業(yè)賄賂案
Case analysis - Some construction engineering company limited being involved in commercial bribery
2. 《刑法》和《反不正當競爭法》均禁止對有影響力的主體行賄
No bribe shall be offered to any influential subject according tothe Criminal Law and the Law against Unfair Competition
3. 《刑法》對“有影響力的人”的界定
Definition of “influential individual” by the Criminal Law
4. 《反不正當競爭法》對影響交易的單位或個人的界定
Definition of “an organization or individual influencing a transaction” by the Law against Unfair Competition
How to differentiate employees’ liability and the employer’s liability
1. 侵犯公民個人信息罪案例
Case analysis - Crime of infringing any citizen’s personal information
2. 案件點評
3. 案例二: 水泵企業(yè)商業(yè)賄賂案
4. Case 2: A pump company being involved in commercial bribery
5. 案件啟示
Part Five: Practice of law enforcement against commercial bribery
Determination of whether commercial bribery is constituted by competent administration of industry and commerce in practice
Facts of focus in administrative investigation of commercial bribery by competent administration of industry and commerce
Upgrading of investigation means in administrative enforcement
四、行政執(zhí)法調(diào)查手段升級 五、從行政處罰證據(jù)目錄看執(zhí)法思路
Viewing the ideas of law enforcement from the perspective of evidence for administrative punishment
Part Six: Enterprises’ strategies to deal with law enforcement authorities
How to make a statement or defense
Principle for cooperating with industry and commerce administration authorities in administrative investigation into commercial bribery
Other due considerations
Establishment of regulations on control over commercial bribery of enterprises
1. 基本合規(guī)制度的框架和工作節(jié)奏
Framework and working pace of the basic compliance system
2. 合規(guī)制度的意義從企業(yè)的一項免責抗辯轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)槠髽I(yè)的一項強制義務
The significance of the compliance system turns, for an enterprise, from exception liberatoria to a compulsory obligation
3. 企業(yè)的合規(guī)指引細則
Rules guiding compliance of enterprises
Part Seven: Enterprises’ operation strategy in daily practice
Practice guidance for payment in cash or with gift cards
Practice guidance for offering and receiving gifts
Practice guidance for offering rebates
Practice guidance for donation
Practice guidance for commercial sponsorship
Practice guidance for catering, entertainment and other consumption items
Practice guidance for training programs
Practice guidance for academic conferences
Practice guidance for payment via third parties
Analysis of regulation on sexual bribery
Practice guidance for holding performance shares
關于講師 About the Speaker:
◇ 錦天城律所資深律師
◇ 2018年首屆中國國際進口博覽會知識產(chǎn)權咨詢專家;
◇ 上海市廣告協(xié)會的首席律師,為上海廣告領域服務;
◇ 上海市工商局的法律顧問之一
◇ 上海市企業(yè)發(fā)展專家志愿團專家導師;
◇ 寧波商會的理事,已經(jīng)作為常年法律顧問為商會數(shù)十家企業(yè)開展法律服務。
◇ 上海新滬商聯(lián)合會的理事,為廣大上海知名企業(yè)服務;
◇ 上海交大慧谷園區(qū)、徐匯區(qū)軟件園、杭州恒生科技園等各類園區(qū)提供等專項法律培訓和服務。
全律師,浙江寧波人,在上海市工商行政管理局工作十余年,目前在上海市錦天城 律師事務所,任資深律師。全律師在行政部門工作時,就負責監(jiān)管執(zhí)法相關的工作,包括專利、商標、廣告等知識 產(chǎn)權領域的行政執(zhí)法工作,也包括傳統(tǒng)的反不正當競爭執(zhí)法、如商業(yè)賄賂等,并且積極參與 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)領域的監(jiān)管和執(zhí)法工作,作為上海市網(wǎng)絡監(jiān)管部門的重要成員,建立了上海市首個互 聯(lián)網(wǎng)企業(yè)監(jiān)管的綜合平臺,對互聯(lián)網(wǎng)違法工作進行監(jiān)管查處。